Buch lesen The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work For All
Beschreibung The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work For All
As Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy chaired the Doha Round of negotiations and witnessed a rapidly changing international trade environment. In his first book since leaving the WTO, Lamy reflects on his time there and outlines his views on the significance of open trade in generating global economic growth, reducing poverty and creating jobs around the world. He argues that trade can only act as a motor for growth if the correct mix of domestic and international economic and social policies is in place. This approach – the 'Geneva Consensus' – requires deeper cooperation and policy coherence between the international organizations active in setting international economic, social and political policies. The Geneva Consensus describes the ongoing efforts to put this into effect, calling for more effective global governance to tackle the challenges of globalization. It also examines relationships between trade and the key social, economic and political issues of our time.
The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work For All ebooks
[PDF] The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work for All Pdf ~ Download full The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work for All Pdf in PDF and EPUB Formats for free. The book is also available to read online, in mobile and kindle reading.
The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work for All: ~ The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work for All / Lamy, Pascal / ISBN: 9781107053069 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work For All - Pascal ~ The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work For All / Pascal Lamy / ISBN: 9781107664159 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
THE GENEVA CONSENSUS Making Trade Work for All PASCAL LAMY ~ THE GENEVA CONSENSUS Making Trade Work for All PASCAL LAMY ggf CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSJTY PRESS . CONTENTS Preface page vii 1 Harnessing globalization amid the crisis facing multilateralism 1 2 The changing face of trade 19 3 Helping the poorest up the prosperity ladder 37 4 Trade: friend not foe of the environment 55 5 Trading towards global food security 68 6 Trade can contribute towards better .
The Geneva Consensus by Pascal Lamy - Cambridge Core ~ The Geneva Consensus Making Trade Work for All. Get access. Buy the print book Check if you have access via personal or institutional login. Log in Register. Cited by 9; Cited by. 9. Crossref Citations. This book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by CrossRef. O’Neal, Molly 2014. Russia in WTO: interests, policy autonomy, and .
OECD iLibrary / Making trade work for all ~ Making trade work for all Against the background of rising anti-globalisation sentiment, this report argues that, while there are good reasons for some people to be angry, trade is not the root of many problems, nor can it solve them on its own. What is needed is an integrated approach to make the whole system work better for more people. This means three things. First, creating the .
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