Buch lesen World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary
Beschreibung World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary
This newly updated version of one of the leading textbooks on world trade law offers what is in a number of ways a unique perspective on this important subject. Combining the best aspects of both casebook and treatise, this comprehensive textbook provides both detailed explanations and analysis of the law to help understand the issues as well as case extracts to offer a flavour of the judicial reasoning of trade adjudicators. Moreover, the book is truly global in outlook, being equally useful for students of international trade law in the UK, Europe, the US, Asia and elsewhere in the world. This updated edition includes in-depth discussions of the most recent developments in international trade jurisprudence, setting out important precedents that help establish the boundaries between global trade rules and domestic national autonomy. The implications of these rulings will be of great interest to traders, investors, government negotiators and even critics of globalisation.
World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary ebooks
World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary: Simon ~ World Trade Law Text, Materials and Commentary By: Simon Lester, Bryan Mercurio, Arwel Davies. See larger image. Published: 22-02-2018 Format: Paperback : Edition: 3rd Extent: 1008 ISBN: 9781509915965 Imprint: Hart Publishing Dimensions: 244 x 169 mm : RRP: £49.99 Online price : £34.99 Save £15.00 (30%) Qty: UK Delivery 5-7 working days . Request Inspection Copy Once you have successfully .
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