Ebook How to Regulate: A Guide for Policymakers (English Edition)
Beschreibung How to Regulate: A Guide for Policymakers (English Edition)
Markets sometimes fail. But so do regulatory efforts to correct market failures. Sometimes regulations reach too far, condemning good activities as well as bad, and sometimes they don't reach far enough, allowing bad behavior to persist. In this highly instructive book, Thomas A. Lambert explains the pitfalls of both extremes while offering readers a manual of effective regulation, showing how the best regulation maximizes social welfare and minimizes social costs. Working like a physician, Lambert demonstrates how regulators should diagnose the underlying disease and identify its symptoms, potential remedies for it, and their side effects before selecting the regulation that offers the greatest net benefit. This book should be read by policymakers, students, and anyone else interested in understanding how the best regulations are crafted and why they work.
How to Regulate: A Guide for Policymakers (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
How to Regulate: A Guide for Policymakers: Lambert, Thomas ~ How to Regulate is an amazing book at the intersection of law, economics, and wit. But, donât let the title fool you; this book is not just for policymakers. How to Regulate takes complex issues and explains them to the point where you could turn around and tell your friends about it moments later. Lambert provides a nice mix of real world .
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Thomas A. Lambert How to Regulate A Guide for Policymakers ~ How to Regulate A Guide for Policymakers. Support. Adobe DRM. Markets sometimes fail. But so do regulatory efforts to correct market failures. Sometimes regulations reach too far, condemning good activities as well as bad, and sometimes they donât reach far enough, allowing bad behavior to persist. In this highly instructive book, Thomas A. Lambert explains the pitfalls of both extremes .
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