This comprehensive casebook presents thorough coverage of a complex and dynamic subject--educational law and policy in the elementary and secondary school setting. With an emphasis on the interplay between law and policy, legal decisions, and educational practice, the book's interdisciplinary approach provides a wide range of perspectives on the most pressing issues in the field. Cases, legislation, and articles, all of which are accompanied by notes and discussion questions, clarify the issues and bring them to life. The book draws upon a range of social science sources as well as conventional legal materials, offering analyses that provide insights into the political and policy contexts of legal issues, and helping readers make sense of legal decisions. The abundant notes and references also make the book a useful reference work for lawyers or school administrators working in the field.
New Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020): Highlights and PDF ~ For full details, download the pdf documents given below. National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) PDF â English à€°à€Ÿà€·à„à€à„à€°à„à€Ż à€¶à€żà€à„à€·à€Ÿ à€šà„à€€à€ż 2020 (NEP 2020) PDF â Hindi. You may also be interested in. Call for Chapters: National Education Policy 2020: Vision for Indiaâs Future Education: Submit by Oct 10
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National Education Policy 2020 - Wikipedia ~ The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), which was approved by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, outlines the vision of India's new education system. The new policy replaces the previous National Policy on Education, 1986. The policy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training in both rural and urban India. The policy
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