Buch Companies Limited by Guarantee (Jordans Employment Law)
Beschreibung Companies Limited by Guarantee (Jordans Employment Law)
This book provides a complete guide to the formation, administration, and winding up of UK companies limited by guarantee and their suitability for a diverse range of purposes. The book includes full coverage of: the nature and purposes of companies limited by guarantee, their advantages and disadvantages, and a consideration of the circumstances in which they are used * the company's constitution, including company names, its objects, the guarantee, and the content and effect of the articles * methods of financing a company limited by guarantee * membership of the company, including admission and expulsion of members * the directors of the company, their appointment, removal, and duties * the calling, requisition, and conduct of company meetings * reorganization, takeovers, and winding-up of companies limited by guarantee. Precedent clauses for the company's constitution are also included, along with useful checklists for lawyers and company secretaries. This fourth edition updates the text to take into account the provisions that have been introduced under the UK's Charities Act 2011 including: the new charitable form of Charitable Incorporated Organizations under the Charities Act 2011 and the related provisions contained in CIO (General Regulations 2012), along with explanation of where existing charities can adapt the new charitable form * an update on annual filing requirements (Charitable Companies) * amendments to legislation relating to Scotland and Northern Ireland * an update of model articles of a company with additional clauses for use by a property company and a procedure for expulsion of a member.
Lesen Sie das Buch Companies Limited by Guarantee (Jordans Employment Law)
Companies Limited by Guarantee Jordans Employment Law ~ Companies Limited by Guarantee (Jordans Employment Law) / Lewison, Josh, Mullen, Mark / ISBN: 9781846618383 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Companies Limited by Guarantee: Fourth Edition Jordans ~ Companies Limited by Guarantee: Fourth Edition (Jordans Employment Law Series) by Mark Mullen Josh Lewison(2014-01-31) / Mark Mullen Josh Lewison / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Companies Limited by Guarantee Jordans Employment Law by ~ Companies Limited by Guarantee Jordans Employment Law by Josh Lewison 2014-01-16: : Josh Lewison;Mark Mullen: Bücher
Companies Limited by Guarantee Jordans Employment Law by ~ Companies Limited by Guarantee (Jordans Employment Law) by Josh Lewison (16-Jan-2014) Hardcover / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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COMPANY LAW - LECTURE NOTES ~ (iii) Companies limited by guarantee are not usually formed for business ventures. (iv) Prior to 1980, a company could be registered as a company limited by guarantee, but also have a share capital - these are called "hybrid companies". (c) Companies Limited by Shares (i) The most common kind of registered company. (ii)Members of the company take shares issued by the company. Each share is .
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: Customer reviews: Companies Limited by ~ The book would also be of benefit to public sector employees working in this and related fields. Updated to reflect the changes in the law that have taken place since 2011, this well established work is, in the words of the authors, `designed to provide a guide to company law as it affects companies limited by guarantee'.
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Impressum / EY - Deutschland ~ EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.
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