PDF May, S: Love: A New Understanding of an Ancient Emotion
Beschreibung May, S: Love: A New Understanding of an Ancient Emotion
What is love's real aim? Why is it so ruthlessly selective in its choice of loved ones? Why do we love at all? In addressing these questions, Simon May develops a radically new understanding of love as the emotion we feel towards whomever or whatever we experience as grounding our life--as offering us a possibility of home in a world that we supremely value. He sees love as motivated by a promise of "ontological rootedness," rather than, as two thousand years of tradition variously asserts, by beauty or goodness, by a search for wholeness, by virtue, by sexual or reproductive desire, by compassion or altruism or empathy, or, in one of today's dominant views, by no qualities at all of the loved one. After arguing that such founding Western myths as the Odyssey and Abraham's call by God to Canaan in the Bible powerfully exemplify his new conception of love, May goes on to re-examine the relation of love to beauty, sex, and goodness in the light of this conception, offering among other things a novel theory of beauty--and suggesting, against Plato, that we can love others for their ugliness (while also seeing them as beautiful).Finally, he proposes that, in the Western world, romantic love is gradually giving way to parental love as the most valued form of love: namely, the love without which one's life is not deemed complete or truly flourishing. May explains why childhood has become sacred and excellence in parenting a paramount ideal--as well as a litmus test of society's moral health. In doing so, he argues that the child is the first genuinely "modern" supreme object of love: the first to fully reflect what Nietzsche called "the death of God."
Lesen Sie das Buch May, S: Love: A New Understanding of an Ancient Emotion
Love: A New Understanding of an Ancient Emotion ~ Love (Hardcover) A New Understanding of an Ancient Emotion. By Simon May. Oxford University Press, USA, 9780190884833, 304pp. Publication Date: May 2, 2019. Other Editions of This Title: Paperback (1/8/2013) Hardcover (7/19/2011)
Professor Simon May - King's College London ~ May is able to draw out what is true in each ageâs perception of love, discard what is misleading, and synthesize the result into the most persuasive account of loveâs nature I have ever read.â Of Love: A New Understanding of an Ancient Emotion, the Los Angeles Review of Books wrote:
Love: A History: May, Simon: 9780300187748: : Books ~ May's discussion of ontological rootedness is thought provoking, but perhaps in love we are not so much seeking roots as we are seeking to rid ourselves of rootedness--hence Hegel's advice for us to marry someone with a personality completely different in origin from our own, as well as Reik's theory of complementarity. On this view love does not "echo" what is "essential" in us, but rather .
What is love? Five theories on the greatest emotion of all ~ Love's the one thing that can never hurt anyone, although it may cost dearly. The paradox of love is that it is supremely free yet attaches us with bonds stronger than death. It cannot be bought .
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