Ebook Right to Information Act: ...in simple words (English Edition)
Beschreibung Right to Information Act: ...in simple words (English Edition)
More than 14 years have passed since the RTI Act was enacted. A large portion of our country’s population is still unaware of this landmark tool.As an RTI practitioner for last 12 years, I have always felt the need of a guidebook which could help an applicant in drafting of RTI applications/appeals etc. The queries frequently raised by the audience, in the lectures delivered on RTI, have also led me to believe that a guidebook on this topic is required more than ever.In government departments, there are many officers who have been designated as Public Information Officers to handle RTI requests, but they have not been given proper training on this subject. Because of this reason, they often fail to dispose of RTI requests in a manner provided by the Act. A guidebook is also required for these officers to help them understand the true meanings of the provisions of the Act.This book, in simple words, is an effort in that direction.
Right to Information Act: ...in simple words (English Edition) PDF ePub
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