Buch Employment Law: Private Ordering and Its Limitations (Aspen Casebook Series) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Employment Law: Private Ordering and Its Limitations (Aspen Casebook Series) (English Edition)
Employment Law: Private Ordering and Its Limitations, Fourth Edition is organized around the rights and duties that flow between parties in an employment relationship. Through cases, detailed discussion of the facts, and accessible notes and questions, this book examines the laws that are intended to balance the competing interests and contractual obligations between employer and employee. The note materials also encourage students to think critically and creatively about how best to protect the interests of workers or employers. Practitioner exercises in planning, drafting, advising, and negotiating develop transactional lawyering skills. New to the Fourth Edition: Important Supreme Court and lower court cases in key areas including the scope of “employment,” whistleblower and anti-retaliation protections, anti-discrimination laws, disability and other accommodations, noncompetition agreements, and mandatory arbitration clauses Addition of cases and note materials on hot topics including employment protections in the gig economy, workplace speech protections in a time of deep social and political conflict, the workplace implications of AI and other technologies, emergent privacy and cyber security issues, and innovations in accommodating workers’ lives Updated problems and exercises Streamlined case and note editing Professors and students will benefit from: Comprehensive and deep coverage of key areas of workplace regulation Practical exercises in each chapter Note materials designed to provide both context and knowledge of emergent legal and social science scholarship Thematic consistency across chapters providing a unifying framework for the discussion of disparate topic areas
Employment Law: Private Ordering and Its Limitations (Aspen Casebook Series) (English Edition) ebooks
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Employment Law: Private Ordering and Its Limitations ~ Employment Law: Private Ordering and Its Limitations is organized around the rights and duties that flow between parties in an employment relationship. Cases, detailed discussion of the facts, and accessible notes and questions examine the laws that are intended to balance the competing interests and contractual obligations between employer and employee. Problem exercises encourage students to think creatively about how best to protect the interests of workers or employers. Practitioner .
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