PDF Economics Without Laws: Towards a New Philosophy of Economics
Beschreibung Economics Without Laws: Towards a New Philosophy of Economics
This book offers a vision of economics in which there is no place for universal laws of nature, and even for laws of a more probabilistic character. The author avoids interpreting the practice of economics as something that leads to the formulation of universal laws or laws of nature. Instead, chapters in the book follow the method of contemporary philosophy of science: rather than formulating suggestions for practicing scientists of how they should do research, the text describes and interprets the very practice of scientific research. This approach demonstrates how economists can explain economic phenomena not by subsuming them under general laws, but rather by building models of these phenomena, by referring to causes, or even by investigating what is in the nature of given factors, events, or circumstances to produce.
Lesen Sie das Buch Economics Without Laws: Towards a New Philosophy of Economics
Economics Without Laws - Towards a New Philosophy of ~ Economics Without Laws Towards a New Philosophy of Economics. Authors: Hardt, Ćukasz Free Preview. A bold new vision of economics written from a new point of view . Reinterprets the very nature of how we think about economics. Written by one of the leading voices in the field. Buy this book eBook 96,29 ⏠price for Spain (gross) Buy eBook ISBN 978-3-319-54861-6; Digitally watermarked, DRM .
Ćukasz Hardt, Economics Without Laws: Towards a New ~ D. Wade Hands, « Ćukasz Hardt, Economics Without Laws: Towards a New Philosophy of Economics », Ćconomia, 9-3 / 2019, 595-605. RĂ©fĂ©rence Ă©lectronique. D. Wade Hands, « Ćukasz Hardt, Economics Without Laws: Towards a New Philosophy of Economics », Ćconomia [En ligne], 9-3 / 2019, mis en ligne le 01 septembre 2019, consultĂ© le 09 juin .
Economics Without Laws. Towards a New Philosophy of ~ Request PDF / Economics Without Laws. Towards a New Philosophy of Economics / This book offers a vision of economics in which there is no place for universal laws of nature, and even for laws of a .
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