Buch online Examples & Explanations for Property (English Edition)
Beschreibung Examples & Explanations for Property (English Edition)
Examples & Explanations: Property, Sixth Edition, is a study aid that offers clear textual introductions to legal terms and concepts in property law, followed by examples and explanations that test and apply the reader’s understanding of the material covered. Both authors have years of experience presenting material in a clear and compelling way.With its rich pedagogy that features boldfaced legal terms and visual aids, Examples & Explanations: Property, Sixth Edition, fills a niche that is distinct from other books. Using a six-part topical organization, accomplished authors Barlow Burke and Joseph Snoe ensure that the rules and doctrines making up the first-year course on the law of property are well covered.New to the Sixth Edition:Revised and rearranged coverage and examples to focus on major points and concepts and to clarify more obscure issuesSimplified examples and questions to highlight the main issueA more structured development of Chain of Title problems inherent in recording systemsAn added discussion of Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma in the exclusionary zoning sectionIncorporation of the Department of Justice’s regulations and examples interpreting the Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons ActExpanded guidance on the Wireless Communication Facilities ActReorganization of the chapter on Takings to emphasize how exceptions build on the Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City ad hoc factorsDiscussion on Muir v. Wisconsin in the Takings analysis (states’ ability to conceptually merge parcels to defeat a Takings claim)Follow-ups on the effect (or lack thereof) of Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental ProtectionBrief discussion of Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States in easement chapter (whether a railroad abandoning a strip of land held an easement or a fee simple determinable)Clarification and expansion of the discussion of landlord-tenant issues
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