Ebook Contract Law (Directions)
Beschreibung Contract Law (Directions)
Contract Law Directions is written in an informal and engaging style with an emphasis on explaining the key topics covered on English contract law courses with clarity. No previous knowledge is assumed, making this the ideal text for those encountering contract law for the first time. Logically structured in four parts and designed to match closely the content of undergraduate contract law courses, this book provides clear coverage of all the main topics likely to be encountered by undergraduate law students.Topics are illustrated using examples and cases that relate to real life experiences, to provide students with a grounded understanding of contract law. Useful features such as diagrams and flowcharts are presented in a fresh color design and the many headings guide the reader's progress through the subject. The third edition has been fully revised and updated to include all recent developments in case law and legislation. It also features 'case close-up' boxes in each chapter, to highlight the significant facts and issues of particularly key cases.Online Resource CentreAn Online Resource Centre accompanies the book, providing a testbank of multiple choice questions, for lecturers to use with their students; updates to the law; guidance on answering the end of chapter questions; glossary; diagrams from the book; and useful web links.
Contract Law (Directions) PDF ePub
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Contract law – Wikipedia ~ Contract law bezeichnet: Contract law (England und Wales) Contract law (Vereinigte Staaten) Siehe auch. Vertragsrecht; Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1. November 2010 um 23:18 Uhr bearbeitet. Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ verfügbar .
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The Importance of the Law of Contract - GRIN ~ The contract Act 1950 govern by the law of contract, in Malaysia. As section 2(b) of the contract act 1950 defined “The word contract can be destined as an agreement which legally binds the parties- known as enforceable agreement” (Laws of Malaysia , 2006). One of the most important things about the contract which people often misunderstand .
Contract law (Vereinigte Staaten) – Wikipedia ~ Rechtsquellen. Das US-amerikanische contract law speist sich strukturell weitgehend aus dem Recht und steht in der Tradition des common law. Jeder Bundesstaat hat jedoch sein eigenes common law und somit sein eigenes contract law. Zwar besteht zwar in Form des Uniform Commercial Code UCC ein uniform act, also der Versuch, die verschiedenen bundesstaatlichen Rechte durch Modellgesetze .