Ebook European Company Law: Text, Cases and Materials
Beschreibung European Company Law: Text, Cases and Materials
Taking a text, cases and materials approach, this is the first and only student textbook on European company law, providing an insight into the subject and shedding light on its future development. Textboxes for explanatory commentary, cases and materials - such as EU legislation, official documents and excerpts from scholarly papers - are clearly differentiated from the text, allowing the student to quickly identify sources. Each chapter also includes suggestions for further reading. Structured in seven parts, the book explores a diversity of topics, from what European company law is, the common rules for establishing, financing and accounting a company, and corporate governance, to the structure of the Societas Europaeca Statute, EU company law directives, capital markets and takeover law, and insolvency. An essential resource for the growing number of graduate courses on European company law, European business law, and comparative corporate law.
European Company Law: Text, Cases and Materials ebooks
European Company Law. Text, Cases & Materials by Nicola de ~ Download This Paper. Open PDF in Browser. Add Paper to My Library. Share: Permalink . Using the URL or DOI link below will ensure access to this page indefinitely. Copy URL. Copy URL. European Company Law. Text, Cases & Materials. Forthcoming Draft Chapter 1 in European Company Law. Text, Cases & Materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017. 41 Pages Posted: 28 Dec 2016 Last revised .
Craig, P: EU Law (Text, Cases, And Materials): ~ Craig, P: EU Law (Text, Cases, And Materials) / Craig, Paul / ISBN: 9780198714927 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
European Company Law by Nicola de Luca - Cambridge Core ~ Taking a text, cases and materials approach, this is the first and only student textbook on European company law, providing an insight into the subject and shedding light on its future development. Textboxes for explanatory commentary, cases and materials - such as EU legislation, official documents and excerpts from scholarly papers - are clearly differentiated from the text, allowing the .
European company law : text, cases and materials (eBook ~ Get this from a library! European company law : text, cases and materials. [Nicola De Luca; Askews & Holts Library Services,] -- "As with corporate law itself, however, our principal focus in this book is not on establishing the corporate form per se. Rather, it is on a second, equally important function of corporate law: .
European company law: text, cases and materials by De Luca ~ Taking a text, cases and materials approach, this is the first and only student textbook on European company law, providing an insight into the subject and shedding light on its future development. An essential resource for the growing number of graduate courses on European company law, European business law, and comparative corporate law . Paperback, Book. English. Published Cambridge .
EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials - Alison ~ The essential guide to EU competition law for students in one volume; extracts from key cases, academic works, and legislation are paired with incisive critique and commentary from two leading experts in the field. In this fast-paced subject area, Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin carefully highlight the most important cases, legislation, and developments to allow students to navigate the breadth .
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