PDF The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime
Beschreibung The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime
Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some developed and developing countries are beginning to revisit their investment treaty policies. The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesises and advances the growing literature on this subject by integrating legal, economic, and political perspectives. Based on an analysis of the substantive and procedural rights conferred by investment treaties, it asks four basic questions. What are the costs and benefits of investment treaties for investors, states, and other stakeholders? Why did developed and developing countries sign the treaties? Why should private arbitrators be allowed to review public regulations passed by states? And what is the relationship between the investment treaty regime and the broader regime complex that governs international investment? Through a concise, but comprehensive, analysis, this book fills in some of the many "blind spots" of academics from different disciplines, and is the first port of call for lawyers, investors, policy-makers, and stakeholders trying to make sense of these critical instruments governing investor-state relations.
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Bonnitcha / Skovgaard Poulsen / Waibel / The Political ~ The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime, Bonnitcha / Skovgaard Poulsen / Waibel, 2017, Erscheinungsjahr 2017, Buch Bücher portofrei persönlicher Service online bestellen beim Fachhändler
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime / Jonathan Bonnitcha, Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, Michael Waibel / ISBN: 9780198719540 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime / Bonnitcha, Jonathan, Skovgaard Poulsen, Lauge N., Waibel, Michael / ISBN: 9780198719557 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Political Economy Of The Investment Treaty Regime Download ~ Read Online 1.6 MB Download. Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some developed and developing countries are beginning to revisit their investment treaty policies. The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesises and advances .
Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ This brief survey reveals how Political Economy tackles many of the important questions facing the investment treaty and arbitration regime. For this reason, the book is an immensely valuable contribution. One can safely predict that, as the regime will continue to attract similar questions both empirical and normative, the book will be a reference point for debates moving forward. In addition to the details and data assembled within, keeping with its tone of academic detachment,
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some developed and developing countries are beginning to revisit their investment treaty policies. The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesises and advances the growing literature on .
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ This is a unique book on the political economy of investment treaties. It combines the rigor of academic research with the exploration of a highly salient public policy debate. By stepping back from the details of investment treaties and arbitrations, the authors construct a compelling argument on how the structure and implications of these collection of treaties and rulings create an “investment treaty regime”. This is a must read for anyone interested in the study of foreign direct .
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The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime 1st ~ The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesizes and advances the growing literature on this subject by integrating legal, economic, and political perspectives. Based on an analysis of the substantive and procedural rights conferred by investment treaties, it asks four basic questions. What are the costs and benefits of investment treaties for investors, states, and other stakeholders? Why did developed and developing countries sign the treaties? Why should .
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The Political Economy of a Bilateral Investment Treaty ~ THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF A BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATY By KennethJ. Vandevelde* One of the more remarkable developments in international law in the mid-1990s is not what it appears to be. The massive and sudden' proliferation of bilateral investment treaties (BITs),2 now constituting a network of more than thirteen hundred agreements involving some 160 states,3 appears to reflect the triumph .
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some developed and developing countries are beginning to revisit their investment treaty policies. The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesises and advances the growing literature on .
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The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ Read "The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime" by Jonathan Bonnitcha available from Rakuten Kobo. Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. P.
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime By Jonathan Bonnitcha, Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen & Michael Waibel, Published by Oxford University Press, July 2017 This book synthesises and advances the growing literature on international investment law and policy by integrating legal, economic, and political perspectives.
The political economy of the investment treaty regime ~ Get this from a library! The political economy of the investment treaty regime. [Jonathan Bonnitcha; Lauge N Skovgaard Poulsen; Michael Waibel, (Lawyer)] -- Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some .
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The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime ~ The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime, produs din gama CARTI IN LIMBA ENGLEZA > Diverse. Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in
The International Law on Foreign Investment: ~ Addressing the pressing need to examine foreign investment law in the context of public international law, the role of the multinational corporation in foreign investment and issues of liability for environmental and other damage, this new edition analyses contractual and treaty-based methods of investment protection and examines the effectiveness of bilateral and regional investment treaties .
The Evolving International Investment Regime: Expectations ~ "The Evolving International Investment Regime manages to embed the international investment regime into its political and economic context, to unveil the challenges the system faces, and to propose a rich set of ideas for possible reform. It shows how varied the factors impacting the evolution of international investment law are, including the renewed importance of national security, the rise .
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