Buch online Foundations of Homeland Security: Law and Policy (Wiley Series on Homeland Defense and Security) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Foundations of Homeland Security: Law and Policy (Wiley Series on Homeland Defense and Security) (English Edition)
The Complete Guide to Understanding the Structure of Homeland Security Law New topics featuring leading authors cover topics on Security Threats of Separatism, Secession and Rightwing Extremism; Aviation Industry’s 'Crew Resource Management' Principles'; and Ethics, Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security. In addition, the chapter devoted to the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a description of economic statecraft, what we really gain from the TPP, and what we stand to lose. The Power of Pop Culture in the Hands of ISIS describes how ISIS communicates and how pop culture is used expertly as a recruiting tool Text organized by subject with the portions of all the laws related to that particular subject in one chapter, making it easier to reference a specific statute by topic Allows the reader to recognize that homeland security involves many specialties and to view homeland security expansively and in the long-term Includes many references as a resource for professionals in various fields including: military, government, first responders, lawyers, and students Includes an Instructor Manual providing teaching suggestions, discussion questions, true/false questions, and essay questions along with the answers to all of these
Foundations of Homeland Security: Law and Policy (Wiley Series on Homeland Defense and Security) (English Edition) PDF ePub
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