Buch lesen Payne, A: The Political History of Caricom
Beschreibung Payne, A: The Political History of Caricom
"This book is a revision of Anthony Payne's The Politics of the Caribbean Community, 196179: Regional Integration amongst New States, and is the only one of its kind to offer a full account of the period from the end of Federation to the beginning and early years of CARICOM. Expanding on the previous publication, a third section has been added that picks up on the in-depth analysis which ended at 1979, discussing events from 19802007 including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy: The volume is divided into three parts - Part I: Origins and Establishment; 196173; Part II: Issues and Structures, 197479; Part III: Events, 19802007 - which give an overview of the regional integration movement and its antecedents, making it suitable for students at the undergraduate and graduate level. "
Payne, A: The Political History of Caricom ebooks
Payne, A: The Political History of Caricom - Anthony Payne ~ Payne, A: The Political History of Caricom / Anthony Payne / ISBN: 9789766372927 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Political History of CARICOM (English Edition) eBook ~ The Political History of CARICOM (English Edition) eBook: Anthony J. Payne: : Kindle-Shop
The Political History of Caricom - Anthony Payne ~ The Political History of Caricom von Anthony Payne - Englische BĂĽcher zum Genre Politikwissenschaft gĂĽnstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.
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The Political History of CARICOM-Anthony Payne ~ {OG_DESCRIPTION}
Stanley Payne – Wikipedia ~ Stanley George Payne (* 9. September 1934 in Denton, Texas) ist ein US-amerikanischer Historiker und Hispanist mit Hauptforschungsgebiet Spanische Geschichte der neuesten Zeit. Leben. Stanley Payne promovierte 1960 an der Columbia University und ist emeritierter Professor der University of Wisconsin–Madison. Weiterhin ist er Mitglied der nordamerikanischen Akademie für Wissenschaft und .
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