Pdf lesen Consumer Law and Policy: Text and Materials on Regulating Consumer Markets
Beschreibung Consumer Law and Policy: Text and Materials on Regulating Consumer Markets
Consumer law and policy has developed significantly since the first edition of this book. This fully revised second edition takes into account these developments while maintaining much of the structure of the earlier edition. This edition includes material on the effects of globalization and the many European initiatives, as well as UK consumer law, documenting changes in the theory and practice of regulation of consumer markets. It incorporates recent UK legislative and judicial developments of the law, blending substantial extracts from primary legal materials, such as case law, policy documents, and legislative materials, with a policy framework that includes references to comparative approaches. It includes a case study of the regulation of unfair terms in consumer contracts by the UK's Office of Fair Trading, increased coverage of the links between consumer and competition policies, the role of consumer law and policy in electronic commerce, and the law and regulation of markets for consumer services.
Consumer Law and Policy: Text and Materials on Regulating Consumer Markets ebooks
Consumer Law and Policy: Text and Materials on Regulating ~ Text and Materials on Regulating Consumer Markets By: Iain Ramsay. See larger image. Published: 25-10-2012 Format: EPUB eBook: Edition: 3rd Extent: 710 ISBN: 9781782250241 Imprint: Hart Publishing RRP: £49.49 Online price : £39.59 Save £9.90 (20%) Request Inspection Copy Once you have successfully made your inspection-copy request, you will receive a confirmation email explaining that your .
Consumer Law and Policy: Text and Materials on Regulating ~ Consumer Law and Policy Text and Materials on Regulating Consumer Markets By: Iain Ramsay. See larger image. Published: 25-10-2012 Format: Paperback : Edition: 3rd Extent: 710 ISBN: 9781849462624 Imprint: Hart Publishing RRP: $99.99 Online price: $89.99 Saving: Save $10.00 (10%) Qty: Please note there is a 2-4 week delivery period for this title. Delivery & Returns. Request Inspection Copy .
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