Pdf lesen International Tax as International Law: An Analysis Of The International Tax Regime (Cambridge Tax Law Series)
Beschreibung International Tax as International Law: An Analysis Of The International Tax Regime (Cambridge Tax Law Series)
This book examines the coherent international tax regime that is embodied in both the tax treaty network and in domestic laws, and the way it forms a significant part of international law, both treaty based and customary. The practical implication is that countries are not free to adopt any international tax rules they please, but rather operate in the context of the regime, which changes in the same ways international law changes over time. Thus, unilateral action is possible, but is also restricted, and countries are generally reluctant to take unilateral actions that violate the basic norms that underlie the regime. The book explains the structure of the international tax regime and analyzes in detail how US tax law embodies the underlying norms of the regime.
International Tax as International Law: An Analysis Of The International Tax Regime (Cambridge Tax Law Series) PDF ePub
International Tax as International Law: An Analysis of the ~ This book explains how the tax rules of the various countries in the world interact with one another to form an international tax regime: a set of principles embodied in both domestic legislation and treaties that significantly limits the ability of countries to choose any tax rules they please. The growth of this international tax regime is an important part of the phenomenon of globalization .
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Sources of International Law: An Introduction ~ analysis of the underlying practice. Moreover, even where a treaty provision is not intended to be codificatory but rather is an innovation designed to change the rule, it can become part of customary law if it is accepted in practice. See, e.g., the North Sea Continental Shelf cases (1969): ‘Although the passage of only a short period of time is not necessarily, or of itself, a bar to the .
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