Buch LAW OF THE SINGLE EUROPEAN MAR: Unpacking the Premises
Beschreibung LAW OF THE SINGLE EUROPEAN MAR: Unpacking the Premises
This edited collection explores the legal foundations of the single market project in Europe, and examines the legal concepts and constructs which underpin its operation. While an apparently well-trodden area of EU law, such is the rapid evolution of the European Court's case law that confusion persists as to the meaning of core concepts. The approach adopted is a thematic one, with each theme being explored in the context of the different freedoms. The themes covered include discrimination, horizontality, mutual recognition, market access, pre-emption and harmonization, enforcement, mandatory requirements, flexibility, subsidiarity and proportionality. Separate chapters explore the link between competition law and the single market, the rapidly evolving case law on capital, and the external dimension of the single market. Contributors also address the WTO dimension, and its important implications for the single market project in Europe.
Lesen Sie das Buch LAW OF THE SINGLE EUROPEAN MAR: Unpacking the Premises
Contents - Ius Commune ~ Competition’ in C Barnard and J Scott, The Law of the Single Market: Unpacking the Premises (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2002); J Snell, ‘The Notion of Market Access: A Concept or a Slogan?’ (2010) 47 Common Market Law Review 437. 2 G Marenco, ‘Pour une interprétation traditionnelle de la notion de mesure d’effet équiva-
Single market / European Union ~ The EU aims to enable EU citizens to study, live, shop, work and retire in any EU country and enjoy products from all over Europe. To do this, it ensures free movement of goods, services, capital and persons in a single EU internal market. By removing technical, legal and bureaucratic barriers, the EU also allows citizens to trade and do business freely.
Home state regulation - Wikipedia ~ Home state regulation is a principle in the law of the European Union for resolving conflict of laws between Member States when dealing with cross-border selling or marketing of goods and services. The principle states that, where an action or service is performed in one country but received in another, the applicable law is the law of the country where the action or service is performed.
Prawo rynku wewnętrznego. System Prawa Unii Europejskiej ~ tenże, Mutual Recognition, w: The Law of the Single European Market. Unpacking the Premises Unpacking the Premises (red. C. Barnard, J. Scott), Oxford 2002; A. Arnull, The European Union and Its Court of Justice,
Internet Banking and the Law in Europe by Apostolos Ath ~ The European Union has long sought to create a single financial area across Europe where consumers in one country benefit from financial markets and activities in other countries. With the emergence of the Internet as a platform for the provision of online banking services, the creation of a pan-European market for banking services appeared a realistic proposition. In practice, however, this .
Stephen Weatherill / Oxford Law Faculty ~ He is the author of LAW AND VALUES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION (Oxford University Press, 2016), PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE IN EU SPORTS LAW (Oxford University Press, 2017), THE INTERNAL MARKET AS A LEGAL CONCEPT (Oxford University Press, 2017), CONTRACT LAW OF THE INTERNAL MARKET (Intersentia, 2017), EU CONSUMER LAW AND POLICY (Edward Elgar, 3rd edition, 2013), CASES AND MATERIALS ON EU LAW (Oxford .
Professor Albertina Albors-Llorens / Faculty of Law ~ Since 2015, one of the Editors of the Yearbook of European Law (OUP). Publications . Books. Goyder's EC Competition Law (with Joanna Goyder) (Oxford University Press, 2009) 5th Edition . Co-Author/s: Joanna Goyder. Publisher: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 019923230X. ISBN 13: 978-0-19-923230-7. Published Mar 2009. EC Competition Law and Policy (Willan Publishing, 2002) Publisher: Willan .
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How the European Union works ~ The European Commission: promoting the common interest 19 The national parliaments: enforcing subsidiarity 23 The Court of Justice: upholding EU law 24 The European Central Bank: ensuring price stability 26 The European Court of Auditors: helping to improve EU financial management 29
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Restrictions on the Use of Goods and Services / SpringerLink ~ Barnard C, Deakin S (2002) Market Access and Regulatory competition. In: Barnard C, Scott J (eds) The Law of the Single European Market. Unpacking the Premises. Hart, Oxford/Portland, Oregon, pp 197–224 Google Scholar
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