Pdf lesen Internet Commerce: The Emerging Legal Framework (Foundation Press)
Beschreibung Internet Commerce: The Emerging Legal Framework (Foundation Press)
The Internet is changing how we communicate with each other, how we gather information, how we form communities, and, more and more, how we engage in commercial transactions. This casebook addresses the last of these transformations: it addresses the law of electronic commerce. Internet Commerce is the first casebook that puts together everything you need to teach a course in e-commerce. It addresses all of the important legal issues that arise in conducting business via the Internet - beginning with registration of a domain name, and including contracting, protecting intellectual property, complying with government regulations, and resolving disputes. It will be supplemented with a website that contains online materials referenced in the book, as well as updates reflecting important developments in the law of e-commerce.
Internet Commerce: The Emerging Legal Framework (Foundation Press) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Internet commerce : the emerging legal framework : cases ~ Responsibility by Margaret Jane Radin, John A. Rothchild, Gregory M. Silverman. Imprint New York, N.Y. : Foundation Press, 2002. Physical description
Internet Commerce: The Emerging Legal Framework, 2d ~ Internet Commerce: The Emerging Legal Framework, 2d (University Casebook Series) [Radin, Margaret, Rothchild, John, Reese, R., Silverman, Gregory] on .
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