Buch online Tort Laws: Uk Edition (Blueprints)
Beschreibung Tort Laws: Uk Edition (Blueprints)
Blueprints provide a unique plan for studying the law, giving a visual overview of the vital building blocks of each topic and the various outside influences that come together in the study of law. This series enables the reader to place everything within memorable context and is useful in providing an overview of the law. Each text offers a clear understanding of legal study and an engaging introduction to each subject; presenting the study of law as both an academic subject and a force in society. The texts map to undergraduate law degree programmes and are tailored for use harmoniously alongside core law material.
Tort Laws: Uk Edition (Blueprints) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Contract Law: Uk Edition: : Elliott, Catherine ~ Contract Law: Uk Edition / Elliott, Catherine, Quinn, Francis / ISBN: 9781292064475 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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