Ebook Ethical Business Practice and Regulation: A Behavioural and Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement (Civil Justice Systems)
Beschreibung Ethical Business Practice and Regulation: A Behavioural and Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement (Civil Justice Systems)
This book explains the concepts of Ethical Business Practice (EBP) and Ethical Business Regulation (EBR), a new paradigm in compliance and enforcement based on behavioural science and ethics. EBR provides the basis for an effective relationship between a business and its regulators, resulting in better outcomes for both. EBR is attracting extensive attention from regulators and businesses around the world. The UK Government's 2017 Regulatory Futures Review draws on EBR as the foundation for its policy of 'regulatory self-assurance'. EBR draws on findings from behavioural science, responsive regulation, safety and business and integrity management to create a practical and holistic approach. Examples include the open culture that is essential for civil aviation safety, the Primary Authority agreements between regulators and national businesses, and feedback mechanisms provided by market vigilance systems and sectoral consumer ombudsmen. This book provides an essential blueprint for sustainable business and effective future regulation.
Ethical Business Practice and Regulation: A Behavioural and Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement (Civil Justice Systems) ebooks
Ethical Business Practice and Regulation: A Behavioural ~ Ethical Business Practice and Regulation: A Behavioural and Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement (Civil Justice Systems) / Hodges, Professor Christopher, Steinholtz, Ruth / ISBN: 9781509916368 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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