PDF Jurisdiction in International Law (Oxford Monographs in International Law)
Beschreibung Jurisdiction in International Law (Oxford Monographs in International Law)
This fully updated second edition of Jurisdiction in International Law examines the international law of jurisdiction, focusing on the areas of law where jurisdiction is most contentious: criminal, antitrust, securities, discovery, and international humanitarian and human rights law. Since F.A. Mann's work in the 1980s, no analytical overview has been attempted of this crucial topic in international law: prescribing the admissible geographical reach of a State's laws. This new edition includes new material on personal jurisdiction in the U.S., extraterritorial applications of human rights treaties, discussions on cyberspace, the Morrison case. Jurisdiction in International Law has been updated covering developments in sanction and tax laws, and includes further exploration on transnational tort litigation and universal civil jurisdiction.The need for such an overview has grown more pressing in recent years as the traditional framework of the law of jurisdiction, grounded in the principles of sovereignty and territoriality, has been undermined by piecemeal developments. Antitrust jurisdiction is heading in new directions, influenced by law and economics approaches; new EC rules are reshaping jurisdiction in securities law; the U.S. is arguably overreaching in the field of corporate governance law; and the universality principle has gained ground in European criminal law and U.S. tort law. Such developments have given rise to conflicts over competency that struggle to be resolved within traditional jurisdiction theory. This study proposes an innovative approach that departs from the classical solutions and advocates a general principle of international subsidiary jurisdiction. Under the new proposed rule, States would be entitled, and at times even obliged, to exercise subsidiary jurisdiction over internationally relevant situations in the interest of the international community if the State having primary jurisdiction fails to assume its responsibility.
Lesen Sie das Buch Jurisdiction in International Law (Oxford Monographs in International Law)
Jurisdiction in International Law Oxford Monographs in ~ Jurisdiction in International Law Oxford Monographs in International Law: : Cedric Ryngaert: Bücher
[MOBI] Jurisdiction In International Law Oxford Monographs ~ 23M Akehurst, ‘Jurisdiction in International Law’ 1973 British Yearbook of International Law 145-257, at 179 and O’Keefe, supra note 1, at 737 24Akehurst, supra note 23, at 179: ‘In criminal law legislative jurisdiction and judicial jurisdiction …
Jurisdiction in International Law - Oxford University Press ~ Jurisdiction in International Law. Second Edition. Cedric Ryngaert Oxford Monographs in International Law. Fully revised and updated to include new materials on personal jurisdiction, cyberspace, and covering new developments in sanction laws, tax law, transnational tort litigation and universal civil jurisdiction
Jurisdiction in International Law Oxford Monographs in ~ Jurisdiction in International Law (Oxford Monographs in International Law) by Cedric Ryngaert (2008-10-02) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Jurisdiction in International Law (Oxford Monographs in ~ This fully updated second edition of Jurisdiction in International Law examines the international law of jurisdiction, focusing on the areas of law where jurisdiction is most contentious: criminal, antitrust, securities, discovery, and international humanitarian and human rights law. Since F.A. Mann's work in the 1980s, no analytical overview has been attempted of this crucial topic in .
Jurisdiction in International Law (Oxford Monographs in ~ This book examines the international law of jurisdiction, focusing on the areas of law where jurisdiction is most contentious: criminal, antitrust, securities, discovery, and international humanitarian and human rights law. Since F.A. Mann's work in the 1980s, no analytical overview has been attempted of this crucial topic in international law: prescribing the admissible geographical reach of .
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Oxford Public International Law: Jurisdiction in ~ This book examines the international law of jurisdiction, focusing on the areas of law where jurisdiction is most contentious: criminal, antitrust, securities, discovery, and international humanitarian and human rights law. Since F A Mann’s work in the 1980s, no analytical overview has been attempted of this crucial topic in international law: prescribing the admissible geographical reach of .
Oxford Monographs in International Law - Oxford University ~ Ebook (48) Oxford Monographs in International Law . The aim of the Oxford Monographs in International Law series is to publish important and original pieces of research on all aspects of international law. Topics that are given particular prominence are those which, while of interest to the academic lawyer, also have important bearing on issues which touch the actual conduct of international .
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International law - Wikipedia ~ International law, also known as public international law and law of nations, is the set of rules, norms, and standards generally accepted in relations between nations. It establishes normative guidelines and a common conceptual framework to guide states across a broad range of domains, including war, diplomacy, trade, and human rights.
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