Understand the world with one book--and how to fix it. Surprisingly innovative and comprehensive, this book not only defines the Deep State, but is bold enough to suggest how to fully expose it and constrain it. The timing is perfect because we now have the seeds for “Digital Overlords” of Government and Law. Meet and get to know AI, Blockchain, Deep Learning, Inference, and Civic Tech. To take down something as big and strong as the Deep state, we need to attack from within, with something unexpected, with something akin to a smart accounting virus.With the Mueller report, we caught some of the political criminals red-handed, on both sides of the aisle. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Washington, D.C., to turn the biggest political scandal in history around into something positive-- a permanent fix for our government--a White Hat Revolution.On this wonderful planet teeming with life, we have more than a few problems to overcome and arguably the biggest one is not pollution, not income inequality, or famine or war. There is one underlying single cause for all of our major problems. As Humans, we have parlayed our miraculous ascent from a long and storied history into marvelous infrastructure and technological achievements. We have also created vast killing and plundering machines. As we “advance” on our current trajectory the risk for catastrophe advances with us.Our biggest problem represents the same pinnacle of civilization in terms of power, wealth and planetary influence but it is on the wrong side of the history we want to record. The Deep State controls much of what happens in boardrooms, in many higher courts, in Congress, and in many other nations. It decides which technologies flourish and which are put on the shelves to protect financial interests. It controls many heads of state and it controlled Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as well-paid teleprompter-puppets. It wants Trump out or wants to control him if it can.The American-based Deep State is on a surge because it was caught with Spygate and it must attack Trump and Republicans vehemently to defeat him in 2020 to put in a puppet who will protect them again, and put their skeletons back into the White House closet. Trump’s camp has its own Deep State allegations against it in reference to Russian Jews, Israel, and the Military Industrial Complex.The Deep State is not run like a constitutional democracy or republic but more like an international mob syndicate that lies, cheats, steals, and murders and deals and traffics anything that makes huge profits, including Humans.It is not a single government but a syndicate of transnational Deep States and multinational mega-corporations. As the country with the biggest economy and military, America leads the way with the most powerful Deep State and right now it is dominated by Obama’s Democrats and their Muslim Brotherhood and EU allies.The pinnacle and most powerful result of our long planetary history is essentially a group of immoral global crime syndicates. Ten years in the making, this book tells us why and what to do about it. Before we can fix the Deep State dilemma we must understand it and that means fully understanding ourselves. Then it suggests a perfectly plausible way to transcend our own primal heritage to cast out the greedy hands of the Deep State. Using AI and Digital Government, proposed digital law and judges, and other technology to free ourselves of the blood and wealth sucking tentacles of the Deep State, we can run our government like a mean, lean machine, guard our riches, and solve our most pressing problems worldwide...June 13, 2019.
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