Buch I: Reality And Subjectivity
Beschreibung I: Reality And Subjectivity
I concludes the presentation of a long-predicted major advance in critical human knowledge. It explains and describes the very substrate and essence of consciousness as it evolved from its primordial appearance as life on earth on up through evolution as the human ego, and hence, to the ego’s transcendence as the spiritual Reality of Enlightenment and the Presence of Divinity. On the referenced Scale of the Levels of consciousness, which calibrates the levels of Truth from 1 to 1,000, Power versus Force calibrates at 850, The Eye of the I at 980, and the final volume of the trilogy, I, calibrates at a conclusive 999.8. The uncommon clarity and lucidity with which the highly evolved subject matter is presented facilitates the reader’s understanding and comprehension. As with the reading of Power versus Force or The Eye of the I, the reader’s level of consciousness increases measurably as a consequence of exposure to this material itself, which is presented from a catalytic, powerful field of context and exposition. Conflict is resolved within the mind of the student by means of recontextualization, which solves the dilemma. Argument and adversity are resolvable by identifying the positionalities of the ego which are the basis of human suffering.
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I: Reality and Subjectivity by Hawkins, David R. (ebook) ~ I: Reality and Subjectivity by David R. Hawkins. Concludes the presentation of a long-predicted major advance in critical human knowledge. Explains the very essence of consciousness as it evolved from its primordial appearance as life on earth, on up through evolution as the human ego, and hence, the transcendence of the ego as the spiritual Reality of Enlightenment and the Presence of Divinity.
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I Reality And Subjectivity By David Hawkins M D ~ I Reality And Subjectivity By David Hawkins M D redefining reality psychology science and solipsism. i reality and subjectivity hay house. i reality and subjectivity ebook by david r hawkins m d. reality inferred a subjective view of objectivity abasi. objective or subjective what is the true nature of reality. subjectivity.
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:Kundenrezensionen: I: Reality and Subjectivity ~ In I:Reality and Subjectivity wird direkter auf spirituelle Übung, Meditation, Kontenmplation und hinderliche Eigenschaften des Geistes eingegangen, als in den beiden Vorgängern der Trilogie. (Power vs. Force; The Eye of the 'I') Es ist wie es zuvor schon oft in anderen Büchern von Dr. Hawkins gesagt wurde: Allein das Lesen
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