Buch lesen Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial (English Edition)
Beschreibung Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial (English Edition)
A renowned legal scholar tells the definitive story of Hollingsworth v. Perry, the trial that stands as the most potent argument for marriage equalitySpeak Now tells the story of a watershed trial that unfolded over twelve tense days in California in 2010. A trial that legalized same-sex marriage in our most populous state. A trial that interrogated the nature of marriage, the political status of gays and lesbians, the ideal circumstances for raising children, and the ability of direct democracy to protect fundamental rights. A trial that stands as the most potent argument for marriage equality this nation has ever seen. In telling the story of Hollingsworth v. Perry, the groundbreaking federal lawsuit against Proposition 8, Kenji Yoshino has also written a paean to the vanishing civil trial--an oasis of rationality in what is often a decidedly uncivil debate. Above all, this book is a work of deep humanity, in which Yoshino brings abstract legal arguments to life by sharing his own story of finding love, marrying, and having children as a gay man. Intellectually rigorous and profoundly compassionate, Speak Now is the definitive account of a landmark civil-rights trial.— Winner, Stonewall Book Award
Lesen Sie das Buch Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial (English Edition)
Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial by Kenji Yoshino ~ Speak Now is the story about the trial of Proposition 8, the law that was passed in California that banned gay marriage. Like many people, I followed the case with intrigue and curiosity. I didn’t know or understand a lot of what was going on at the time, at this book really helps clarify and explain everything. Yoshino not only delves deeper into explaining the trial, but he adds his own .
Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial: Yoshino, Kenji ~ Perry, the trial that stands as the most potent argument for marriage equality Speak Now tells the story of a watershed trial that unfolded over twelve tense days in California in 2010. A trial that legalized same-sex marriage in our most populous state. A trial that interrogated the nature of marriage, the political status of gays and lesbians .
: Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial eBook ~ Perry, the trial that stands as the most potent argument for marriage equality Speak Now tells the story of a watershed trial that unfolded over twelve tense days in California in 2010. A trial that legalized same-sex marriage in our most populous state. A trial that interrogated the nature of marriage, the political status of gays and lesbians .
Speak now : marriage equality on trial : the story of ~ Get this from a library! Speak now : marriage equality on trial : the story of Hollingsworth v. Perry. [Kenji Yoshino] -- "A renowned legal scholar tells the definitive story of Hollingsworth v. Perry, the trial that will stand as the most potent argument for marriage equality. In 2008, California voters passed .
Speak Now : Marriage Equality on Trial by Kenji Yoshino ~ Perry, the trial that stands as the most potent argument for marriage equality Speak Now tells the story of a watershed trial that unfolded over twelve tense days in California in 2010. A trial that legalized same-sex marriage in our most populous state. A trial that interrogated the nature of marriage, the political status of gays and lesbians, the ideal circumstances for raising children .
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