Buch Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach (Aspen Casebook Series) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach (Aspen Casebook Series) (English Edition)
Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, Third Edition, by William K. Sjostrom, Jr., teaches from a transactional perspective and shows how the legal concepts are written in the real world. It has numerous actual provisions from the various documents corporate lawyers draft and review, so that students gain a sense for what corporate lawyers do in practice. With content selected through a corporate lawyer lens, and emphasis on real-world provisions, this is the only Business Organizations casebook on the market allowing students to work with complete transactional documents (e.g., limited liability partnership agreements, LLC operating agreements, certificates of designation, warrant agreements, and shareholders’ agreements). Featuring numerous exercises, designed to reinforce the covered material and help students develop the planning and problem-solving skills of a corporate lawyer as well as expose students to the documents and issues at the heart of a transactional practice, the book also contains more narrative and fewer cases--legal concepts are covered in concise explanatory text instead of judicial opinions. New to the 3rd Edition: Expanded coverage of LLCs in light of their increasing importance Newer cases involving widely recognized companies (Priceline.com, Tesla) Updated and improved corporate documents Coverage of 2018 changes to federal income taxation of individuals and businesses Professors and students will benefit from: Straightforward text makes it easier to teach complicated concepts Numerous exercises make the book ideal for problem method teaching Practice-oriented—students exposed to real-world provisions and agreements Transaction-oriented—students get a sense for what corporate lawyers do Problem oriented—students get to repeatedly apply what they’ve learned
Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach (Aspen Casebook Series) (English Edition) ebooks
Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach ~ : Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) (Aspen Casebook Series) (9781454868385): William K. Sjostrom Jr.: Books
Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach ~ Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, Third Edition, by William K. Sjostrom, Jr., teaches from a transactional perspective and shows how the legal concepts are written in the real world. It has numerous actual provisions from the various documents corporate lawyers draft and review, so that students gain a sense for what corporate lawyers do in practice. With content selected through a corporate lawyer lens, and emphasis on real-world provisions, this is the only Business .
Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach (w ~ This is the only business organizations book on the market that allows students to work with complete transactional documents such as limited liability partnership agreements, LLC operating agreements, certificates of designation, warrant agreements, and shareholders agreements. Numerous exercises require students to apply what they ve learned from the readings. The exercises help students .
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