Buch lesen Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age
Beschreibung Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age
Digital Democracy considers how technological developments might combine with underlying social, economic and political conditions to produce new vehicles for democratic practice.The growth of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet, alongside growing concerns about the failure of advanced societies to live up to the democratic idea, has produced much interest in the prospects for a digital democracy.This book will provide invaluable reading for those studying social policy, politics and sociology as well as for policy analysts, social scientists and computer scientists.
Lesen Sie das Buch Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age
Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the ~ Digital Democracy considers how technological developments might combine with underlying social, economic and political conditions to produce new vehicles for democratic practice.The growth of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet, alongside growing concerns about the failure of advanced societies to live up to the democratic idea, has produced much .
Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the ~ Download Citation / Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age. Barry N. Hague and Brian D. Loader, eds. New York: Routledge, 1999. 277 pp. $27.99 (paperback) / The .
PDF Digital Democracy Discourse and Decision Making in the ~ Read Free Ebook Now http://thebookpeople.justbooks.top/?book=0415197384PDF Digital Democracy Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age Free Books
Mehr Demokratie via Internet? / APuZ ~ Zu den theoretischen Debatten vgl. u.a. Barry N. Hague/Brian D. Loader (Hrsg.), Digital Democracy. Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age, New York 1999; Elaine Ciulla Kamarck/Joseph S. Nye, Democracy? "Governance in a Networked World, Hollis, NH 1999; Claus Leggewie/Christa Mahr (Hrsg.), Internet und Politik. Von der Zuschauer- zur Beteiligungsdemokratie, Köln 1998.
Citizen Participation in Public Affairs / SpringerLink ~ Wilhelm, A.G. (1999) Virtual Sounding Boards: how deliberative is online political discussion? In Hague, B.N. and Loader, B. (Eds) (1999) Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age. Routledge Google Scholar
The world leaders who have not acknowledged a Biden win ~ As President-elect Joe Biden moved forward on Monday with preparations to take office in January, some world leaders have continued to remain silent on the outcome of the election, which President .
Online Democracy, Is it Viable? Is it Desirable? Internet ~ Wilhelm, A. G. (1999) ‘Virtual Sounding Boards. How Deliberative is Online Political Discussion?’ in B. Hague and B. Loader (eds), Digital Democracy. Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age. London: Routledge: 154–178. Google Scholar
Strategic Communication, Social Media and Democracy: The ~ Table of Contents. 1. Meet the Digital Naturals (Philip Young and Marja Åkerström) Part I: New Media & Strategic Communication 2.The Role of Communication Professionals in the Digital Age: Old paradoxes, new distinctions? (Henrik Merkelsen, Veselinka Möllerström and Sara von Platen) 3.Exploring the Language of Social Media in the Discourse of Public Relations (Philip Young, Timothy Coombs .
Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech: Sunstein, Cass R ~ Democracy cannot achieve its full potential with a stunted public discourse. Instant polls and 900 numbers may seem to increase political participation, but they are no substitute for reasoned and careful public deliberation. In Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech, Cass Sunstein points the way toward a renewal of American democracy and a reaffirmation of political equality.
Is Social Media a Threat to Democracy? - Omidyar Group ~ community architecture, and their decision-making. The business model is simple: capture attention, then monetize it through advertising. However, the effects of social media on public discourse, civility, and fact-based debate—given the massive scale—necessitate increased attention to its impact on democracy.
SAGE Reference - Encyclopedia of Communication Theory ~ With more than 300 entries, these two volumes provide a one-stop source for a comprehensive overview of communication theory, offering current descriptions o
Why Social Media Are Ruining Political Discourse - The ~ That makes these media a threat to coherent political discourse from the age of print. . they are digital extensions of the kind of political writing that characterized printed newspapers and .
Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone ~ In Democracy Might Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone, Astra Taylor shows that real democracy―fully inclusive and completely egalitarian―has in fact never existed. In a tone that is both philosophical and anecdotal, weaving together history, theory, the stories of individuals, and interviews with such leading thinkers as Cornel West, Danielle Allen, and Slavoj Zizek, Taylor .
The Squeeze on African Media Freedom / Journal of Democracy ~ Yet in the internet age, the scope of the challenge is daunting. Actors foreign and domestic use disinformation to stoke fear, denigrate opponents, obscure responsibility, and mobilize supporters. The internet conveys information so quickly and at such vast scale that anonymous messages can sway minds and affect public discourse while efforts to identify and assess sources and provide .
Models of Democracy and the Design of Slovenian Political ~ Digital democracy: discourse and decision making in the Information Age. London, New York: Routledge. Google Scholar . 15. Luksic, Andrej (2003) Hermesovi obrazi demokracije. In Andrej A. Luksic/ Tanja Oblak (ed.), Spoti v digitalno demokracijo, 11–33. LjubUana: Fakulteta za druzbene vede. Google Scholar. 16. Makarovic, Matej (2002) Politicna participacija v desetletju demokratizacije. V N .
Challenging Democracy in Early Childhood Education ~ This book explores how concepts and values of contemporary democracy are variously understood and applied in diverse cultural contexts, with a focus on children and childhood and diversity. Drawing on a range of methodological approaches relevant to early childhood education, it discusses young children's engagement and voice. The book identifies existing practices, strengths, theories and .
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Towards Decision Support for Participatory Democracy ~ After describing several mechanisms for participatory democracy, we provide a framework for decision support in this area and describe decision support functions that could be implemented in such a framework. We illustrate the ideas with a specific system to support participatory budget elaboration through the Web. Several practical issues are discussed along the way.
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Democracy in disguise: The use of social media in ~ Download Citation / Democracy in disguise: The use of social media in reviewing the Icelandic Constitution / The aim of this article is to scrutinise the participative processes enabled by social .
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