Ebook Nafta: Managing the Cultural Differences
Beschreibung Nafta: Managing the Cultural Differences
With the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), continued economic and cultural integration in North America are inevitable, and a pro-active stance must be taken towards it. This title should be useful as a companion to those who wish to accept and benefit from the future business and cultural realities to be faced. Beginning with an outline of legislative, social and diplomatic history in Canada, Mexico and the United States, the book then explores the cultural values and subcultures within the three countries, and compares management cultures and work values. Case studies show what works and what doesn't in bulding successful work teams, alliances and joint ventures. The book concludes with insights into negotiating successfully with Canadians, Mexicans and US Americans. A supplemental directory provides names and addresses for detailed trade, market research, legal, financial and government information in each country.
Nafta: Managing the Cultural Differences PDF ePub
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Nafta: Managing the Cultural Differences: ~ Nafta: Managing the Cultural Differences / Robert T., Ph.D. Moran, Jeffrey Abbott / ISBN: 9780884155003 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und .
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