Buch online Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English Edition)
Beschreibung Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English Edition)
There has been increased attention to the topics of disaster recovery and disaster resilience over the past several years, particularly as catastrophic events such as Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy have brought to light the increasing vulnerability of so many communities. This manuscript brings together existing research, along with policy analysis, in order to look at disaster recovery through the lens of justice. This includes understanding the mechanisms through which vulnerability is exacerbated, and the extent to which the regulations and agency cultures drive this outcome. While existing analyses have sought to understand the particular characteristics of both resilient and vulnerable communities, there have been few attempts to understand the systemic inequities and injustice that is built into United States disaster policies, programs, and legislation. This manuscript thus begins from the understanding that social and economic structures, including land use policies and historic practices such as redlining, have concentrated hazard risk into vulnerable zones whose inhabitants do not benefit from the very policies that create and increase their risk.
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English Edition) eBook: Alessandra Jerolleman: : Kindle-Shop
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice: ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice: : Alessandra Jerolleman: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice Kindle Edition ~ This manuscript brings together existing research, along with policy analysis, in order to look at disaster recovery through the lens of justice. This includes understanding the mechanisms through which vulnerability is exacerbated, and the extent to which the regulations and agency cultures drive this outcome. While existing analyses have sought to understand the particular characteristics of both resilient and vulnerable communities, there have been few attempts to understand .
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice (English Edition) eBook: Jerolleman, Alessandra: .nl: Kindle Store
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice - ISBN ~ This manuscript brings together existing research, along with policy analysis, in order to look at disaster recovery through the lens of justice. This includes understanding the mechanisms through which vulnerability is exacerbated, and the extent to which the regulations and agency cultures drive this outcome. While existing analyses have sought to understand the particular characteristics of both resilient and vulnerable communities, there have been few attempts to understand the systemic .
Book Review: Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice is an examination of the nexus between justice and disaster recovery. Author Alessandra Jerolleman aims to combine concepts of justice with resilience and vulnerability, which are used in the context of Zakour and Swager’s (2018) Vulnerability-Plus (V+) theory. She discusses the potential for the application of a capabilities justice framework, and uses the idea of “Just Recovery” to account for the elements of justice and its .
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice by Alessandra Jerolleman. There has been increased attention to the topics of disaster recovery and disaster resilience over the past several years, particularly as catastrophic events such as Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy have brought to light the increasing vulnerability of so many communities. This manuscript brings together existing .
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice - Jerolleman ~ Disaster Recovery Through The Lens Of Justice. by Jerolleman, Alessandra. There has been increased attention to the topics of disaster recovery and disaster resilience over the past several years, particularly as catastrophic events such as Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy have brought to light the increasing vulnerability of so many communities. This manuscript brings together existing .
Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice by Alessandra Jerolleman and Publisher Palgrave Pivot. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9783030047955, 3030047954. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9783030047948, 3030047946.
The Sendai framework: disaster risk reduction through a ~ The Sendai framework: disaster risk reduction through a health lens Amina Aitsi-Selmi a & Virginia Murray b. a. Public Health England, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UG, England. b. UNISDR Scientific & Technical Advisory Group, Geneva, Switzerland. Correspondence to Amina Aitsi-Selmi (e-mail: amina.aitsi-selmi@phe.gov.uk). Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015;93:362. doi: http .
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Book Review: Handbook of Disaster Research / Recovery Diva ~ Book Review: Handbook of Disaster Research (2nd Edition). RodrĂguez, H., Trainor, J. & Donner, W. (Eds.) (2018). Handbook of Disaster Research (2nd Edition .
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Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice 1st ed. 2019 ~ Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice 1st ed. 2019 - Alessandra Jerolleman - ISBN: 9783030047948. There has been increased attention to the topics of disaster recovery and disaster resilience over the past several years, particularly as catastrophic events such as Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy have brought to light the increasing vulnerability of so many communities.
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