Buch lesen Cummings, A: Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the Twentieth Century
Beschreibung Cummings, A: Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the Twentieth Century
It was a time when music fans copied and traded recordings without permission. An outraged music industry pushed Congress to pass anti-piracy legislation. Yes, that time is now; it was also the era of Napster in the 1990s, of cassette tapes in the 1970s, of reel-to-reel tapes in the 1950s, even the phonograph epoch of the 1930s. Piracy, it turns out, is as old as recorded music itself. In Democracy of Sound, Alex Sayf Cummings uncovers the little-known history of music piracy and its sweeping effects on the definition of copyright in the United States. When copyright emerged, only visual material such as books and maps were thought to deserve protection; even musical compositions were not included until 1831. Once a performance could be captured on a wax cylinder or vinyl disc, profound questions arose over the meaning of intellectual property. Is only a written composition defined as a piece of art? If a singer performs a different interpretation of a song, is it a new and distinct work? Such questions have only grown more pressing with the rise of sampling and other forms of musical pastiche. Indeed, music has become the prime battleground between piracy and copyright. It is compact, making it easy to copy. And it is highly social, shared or traded through social networks--often networks that arise around music itself. But such networks also pose a counter-argument: as channels for copying and sharing sounds, they were instrumental in nourishing hip-hop and other new forms of music central to American culture today. Piracy is not always a bad thing. An insightful and often entertaining look at the history of music piracy, Democracy of Sound offers invaluable background to one of the hot-button issues involving creativity and the law.
Lesen Sie das Buch Cummings, A: Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the Twentieth Century
Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of ~ Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the Twentieth Century (Hörbuch-Download): : Alex Cummings, Aaron Abano, Audible .
Democracy of sound : music piracy and the remaking of ~ Get this from a library! Democracy of sound : music piracy and the remaking of American copyright in the twentieth century. [Alex Sayf Cummings]
Cummings, A: Democracy of Sound: : Cummings, Alex ~ "From Supreme Court battles over player piano rolls to the music industry's $75 trillion lawsuit against Limewire, Democracy of Sound shows how we arrived at today's debates about music ownership and piracy. Cummings is not only a skilled historian, but also a lively story-teller who can explain complex copyright issues with admirable clarity. For anyone with an opinion about the politics .
Democracy Of Sound Music Piracy And The Remaking Of ~ Jul 21, 2020 Contributor By : Jackie Collins Ltd PDF ID 495fd440 democracy of sound music piracy and the remaking of american copyright in the twentieth century pdf
Democracy of Sound : Music Piracy and the Remaking of ~ You can see how [Cummings] has enjoyed researching the detailed background of music piracy which makes this book a jolly good read providing the history of music piracy from the late 19th century onwards."--Entertainment Law Review "Offers a detailed narrative account of how [copyright] issues became so complicated - and how, in the face of corporate pressure, they're becoming brutally simple .
Democracy of sound : music piracy and the remaking of ~ Get this from a library! Democracy of sound : music piracy and the remaking of American copyright in the twentieth century. [Alex Sayf Cummings] -- 'Democracy of Sound' tells the story of the pirates, radicals, jazzbos, deadheads, and DJs who challenged the record industry for control of recorded sound throughout the 20th century. A political .
buch: Télécharger Livres Gratuits ⹠Democracy of Sound ~ Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the Twentieth Century. Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and t.
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Home Taping Is Killing Music - Wikipedia ~ "Home Taping Is Killing Music" was the slogan of a 1980s anti-copyright infringement propaganda campaign by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), a British music industry trade group. With the rise in cassette recorder popularity, the BPI feared that the ability of private citizens to record music from the radio onto cassettes would cause a decline in record sales.
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