Ebook Who Owns the Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership (Space Regulations Library, Band 4)
Beschreibung Who Owns the Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership (Space Regulations Library, Band 4)
This work investigates the permissibility and viability of property rights on the celestial bodies, particularly the extraterrestrial aspects of land and mineral resources ownership. In lay terms, it aims to find an answer to the question "Who owns the Moon?"
Who Owns the Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership (Space Regulations Library, Band 4) ebooks
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Who Owns the Moon? Law & Outer Space Treaties / Space ~ The "Moon Agreement" (1979), which gives more detail on the Outer Space Treaty for property rights and usage of the moon and other celestial bodies in the solar system (except for objects that .
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Extraterrestrial environment. Medizinischen Suche ~ Virgiliu Pop: Who Owns the Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership, Space Regulations Library . In: Robin Attfield, Andrew Belsey (Hrsg.): Philosophy and the Natural Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, . Paul Horowitz. an all-sky narrow-band radio search for extraterrestrial signals, Astroph. J., Band 415, 1993, S. 218. Dort werden die .
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