Buch The English Legal System 2015-2016
Beschreibung The English Legal System 2015-2016
Slapper and Kellys The English Legal System explains and critically assesses how our law is made and applied. Annually updated, this authoritative textbook clearly describes the legal rules of England and Wales and their collective influence as a sociocultural institution.This latest edition of The English Legal System has been substantially rewritten and updated to include: increased focus onhuman rights law, law and morality; family lawand the family courts; updates on access to justice and legal aid; expanded coverage oflegal services; and further consideration on alternative dispute resolution to reflect changes in practice. Key learning features include: a clear and logical structure with short, manageable, well-structured individual chapters; useful chapter summaries which act as a good check point for students; sources for further reading and suggested websites at the end of each chapter to point students towards further learning pathways; an online skills network including how tos, practical examples, tips, advice and interactive examples of English law in action. Relied upon by generations of students, Slapper and Kellys The English Legal System is a permanent fixture in this ever-evolving subject.Companion WebsiteVisit The English Legal System companion website:www.routledge.com/cw/slapperHere you can find a bank of activities and exercises corresponding to the chapters in the book designed to give you the opportunity to test your knowledge and further your understanding of the English legal system. These include:News and updatesPodcastsComprehensive legal skills guideMultiple choice questionsInteractive glossary
The English Legal System 2015-2016 Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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The English Legal System: 2016-2017: : Slapper ~ The English Legal System: 2016-2017 / Slapper, Gary, Ph.D., Kelly, David, Ph.D. / ISBN: 9781138944442 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf .
English Legal System Eighth Edition (eBook, ePUB) - bücher ~ Support your students with this accessible and authoritative introductory textbook for the English Legal System - from the author and publisher you trust. Written by Jacqueline Martin, who has helped hundreds of thousands pass their exams and enjoy their studies, The English Legal System, 8th edition ensures that students have a comprehensive understanding of this area of the Law.
English Legal System von Jacqueline Martin - bücher ~ Support your students with this accessible and authoritative introductory textbook for the English Legal System - from the author and publisher you trust. Produktdetails. Produktdetails ; Verlag: Hodder Education; 8th Edition; Erscheinungstermin: 26. August 2016; Englisch; Abmessung: 244mm x 187mm x 17mm; Gewicht: 652g; ISBN-13: 9781471879159; ISBN-10: 1471879151; Artikelnr.: 45306078 .
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