Ebook Special Education Law Case Studies: A Review from Practitioners (English Edition)
Beschreibung Special Education Law Case Studies: A Review from Practitioners (English Edition)
Tremendous changes have occurred over the past decade in the provision of services to students with disabilities. Federal mandates continue to define requirements for a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment. Additionally, there has been an increase in the number of lawsuits filed against school districts regarding the provision of educational services for students with disabilities. Case studies are a helpful way to understand these difficult issues. The case studies presented here are actual students eligible for special education and related services. The case studies are represented not to tell districts and parents that this is the only way questions about special education law can be answered, but to provide likely answers along with commentary for analysis. The cases were developed to help new (and experienced) special education leaders and supervisors survive the pressures of working with students with disabilities while working to provide appropriate services and prevent litigation.
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Special Education and the Law: A Guide for Practitioners ~ My copy of Osborne′s and Russo′s Third Edition of Special Education and the Law will soon be dog eared, highlighted in yellow, its margins scribbled with notes because it will be used. I teach school law and special education law and regularly work with colleagues in the schools. The Osborne & Russo third edition will be my go-to book for teaching and assisting with problems of practice in .
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Teacher Education and Special Education: SAGE Journals ~ About This Journal. Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE) creates a research forum dedicated to the preparation and professional development of teachers, scholars, leaders, and other support personnel who serve children, youth, and adults with disabilities and their families. Established in 1977, TESE publishes original quantitative and qualitative research, systematic reviews of the .
The Journal of Special Education: SAGE Journals ~ The Journal of Special Education (JSE) provides research articles and scholarly reviews on special education for individuals with mild to severe disabilities..
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How to Read a Law School Casebook / LexisNexis ~ Excerpt reproduced from Guide to the Study of Law: An Introduction, Second Edition (LexisNexis 2001) by L.H . LaRue. Chapter 2: Reading the Law School Casebook. In the first chapter, I talked about rules, and in particular, about getting used to the way that lawyers use rules as the starting place for an argument. In passing, I mentioned “cases.” I said that arguments were presented in .
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