Buch online Labour Law: Text and Materials
Beschreibung Labour Law: Text and Materials
An examination of the law relating to employment, industrial relations, and labour market regulation in the law of the United Kingdom, including relevant dimensions of EC law and policy. The text introduces selected extracts from cases, statutes, reports, official statistics, and academic commentary and analysis. The book is designed to provide all the materials needed for courses in labour law or employment law. The text emphasises recent developments including the expansion of legal regulation, new forms of work, the integration of labour law with broader policies aimed at the enhancement of competitiveness and the prevention of social exclusion, equal opportunities and the protection of rights in the workplace, and new mechanisms for worker participation in decisions. Chapters include: Introduction to Labour Law; The Employment Relation; Equality of Opportunity; Protecting the Work/Life Balance; Dismissal; Human Rights and Labour Law; Collective Bargaining and Worker Representation; Trade Unions and their Members; Changes in the Business.
Lesen Sie das Buch Labour Law: Text and Materials
(PDF) Labour Law: Text and Materials - ResearchGate ~ Labour Law: Text and Materials. June 2002; Industrial Law Journal 31(2) DOI: 10.1093 /ilj/31.2.206. Authors: Hugh Collins. K. D. Ewing. Aileen Mccolgan. 10.88; King's College London; Download full .
Labour Law Text And Materials Second Edition [PDF, EPUB ~ labour law text and materials law in context many thanks to professor ben sachs for contributing his expertise in labor and employment law in editing this guide much gratitude is due to catherine pattanayak and kirsten bermingham for their careful editing and spot on comments finally thanks to alexa shabecoff for envisioning this guide and seeing it through to the finish with thoughtful .
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Labour Law Text And Materials Second Edition ~ TEXT ID 4446d693 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library Labour Law Text And Materials Second Edition INTRODUCTION : #1 Labour Law Text Read Labour Law Text And Materials Second Edition Uploaded By Agatha Christie, the second edition of this book examines the law relating to employment industrial relations and labour market regulation in the united kingdom including relevant dimensions of ec law and .
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