Energy justice has emerged over the last decade as a matter of vital concern in energy law, which can be seen in the attention directed to energy poverty, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There are energy justice concerns in areas of law as diverse as human rights, consumer protection, international law and trade, and in many forms of regional and national energy law and regulation. This edited collection explores in detail at four kinds of energy justice. The first, distributive justice, relates to the equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens of energy activities, which is challenged by the existence of people suffering from energy poverty. Secondly, procedural (or participation) justice consists of the right of all communities to participate in decision-making regarding energy projects and policies that affect them. This dimension of energy justice often includes procedural rights to information and access to courts. Under the concept of reparation (or restorative) justice, the book looks at even-handed enforcement of energy statutes and regulations, as well as access to remedies when legal rights are violated. Finally, the collection addresses social justice, with the recognition that energy injustice cannot be separated from other social ills, such as poverty and subordination based on race, gender, or indigeneity. These issues feed into a wider conversation about how we achieve a 'just' energy transition, as the world confronts the urgent challenges of climate change.
Energy Justice / SpringerLink ~ Energy Justice develops a new innovative analytical framework underpinned by principles of justice designed for investigating unfairness and inequalities in energy availability, accessibility and sustainability. It applies this framework to fossil fuel and alternative low carbon energy systems with reference to multiple case studies throughout the world. McCauley also presents an energy .
Energy Justice Platform / Energy Justice Network ~ Energy Justice Platform [See the bottom of this page for definitions. . Industrial heating is the largest (by far), making up 64% of heating fuel consumption, while residential is only 23% and commercial is 14%. "Commercial" includes businesses as well as government buildings, grade schools and colleges/universities. Electricity and transportation also break down by sector of use, but .
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Energy Justice: Indiana University ~ We focus on the equity and justice dimensions of the energy transition. Through our research, we offer insights on what energy justice means as it relates to the energy transition and what individuals and communities on the frontline are facing, what vulnerability means in the energy justice context, what types of programs are in place to address these issues and how well local governments in .
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Home / Energy Justice Network ~ Energy Justice Network was featured in the section on biomass, from an interview eight years ago with our former staff member, Josh Schlossberg. Jeff Gibbs was part of our national Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign , which brought together hundreds of community activists to successfully stop several dozen proposed biomass incinerators between 2006 and 2015.
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treatise for energy law / The Journal of World Energy Law ~ What prompted this search for Energy Lawâs guiding principles was a workshop (organized by two of the authors and attended by a third) where we presented and discussed the Evolution of Energy Law. 25 The evolution of energy law is guided by certain influences, one of which is âenergy justiceâ. Energy justice has its own conceptual basis, which is recognized in several early and now more .
Energy Justice: A Conceptual Review ~ Energy justice has emerged as a new crosscutting social science research agenda which seeks to apply justice principles to energy policy, energy production and systems, energy consumption, energy activism, energy security and climate change. A conceptual review is now required for the consolidation and logical extension of this field. Within this exploration, we give an account of its core .
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Energy Justice Archives - Centre on Innovation and Energy ~ Energy Justice. New technologies have the potential to revolutionise the way we use energy. But it is important that the transition to a new energy system is managed fairly and that everyone, especially the most vulnerable, have a say in what it will look like. We need to listen to groups within society whose voices arenât easily heard so that the principles of equity, fairness, and equality .
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