Pdf lesen Microsoft on Trial (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics)
Beschreibung Microsoft on Trial (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics)
Microsoft on Trial analyses the antitrust cases that have involved Microsoft on both sides of the Atlantic and offers a thorough and timely discussion on the regulation of unilateral behaviour in a topical sector.This fascinating and highly relevant book facilitates discussion on the difficult technical, legal and economic issues with respect to innovation, competition and welfare raised, through the span of more than a decade, by the US and EC Microsoft antitrust cases. It assesses their impact on the evolution of European and US laws on competition and intellectual property in the IT sector and beyond. The book, which adopts a multidisciplinary approach (IT, law, economics), benefits from the valuable insights of 20 contributors including those that were directly involved in the EC case. Practitioners, advanced postgraduates and academics will find this unique book an essential resource.
Lesen Sie das Buch Microsoft on Trial (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics)
Microsoft on Trial New Horizons in Competition Law and ~ Microsoft on Trial (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics) / Luca Rubini / ISBN: 9781848442443 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Microsoft on Trial - ucl.ac.uk ~ Microsoft on Trial Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case Edited by Luca Rubini Lecturer and Deputy Director of the Institute of European Law, Birmingham Law School, UK NEW HORIZONS IN COMPETITION LAW AND ECONOMICS Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA
Microsoft on Trial - Elgar Online: The online content ~ Microsoft on Trial Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case. New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Edited by Luca Rubini . This fascinating and highly relevant book facilitates discussion on the difficult technical, legal and economic issues with respect to innovation, competition and welfare raised, through the span of more than a decade, by the US and EC .
Bibliography : Microsoft on Trial Legal and Economic ~ New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Edited by Luca Rubini. This fascinating and highly relevant book facilitates discussion on the difficult technical, legal and economic issues with respect to innovation, competition and welfare raised, through the span of more than a decade, by the US and EC Microsoft antitrust cases. It assesses their impact on the evolution of European and .
Microsoft on Trial - New York University ~ Microsoft on Trial Legal and economic analysis of a Transatlantic antitrust Case Edited by Luca rubini University of Birmingham, UK New HorizoNs iN CoMpeTiTioN Law aNd eCoNoMiCs Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA. 393 13. The quest for appropriate remedies in the EC Microsoft cases: a comparative appraisal Nicholas Economides and Ioannis Lianos 1. INTRODUCTION The Microsoft .
Microsoft on trial : legal and economic analysis of a ~ Get this from a library! Microsoft on trial : legal and economic analysis of a transatlantic antitrust case. [Luca Rubini;] -- Microsoft on Trial analyses the antitrust cases that have involved Microsoft in both sides of the Atlantic and offers a thorough and timely discussion on the regulation of unilateral behaviour in a .
Microsoft on Trial: Legal and Economic Analysis of a ~ Microsoft on Trial analyses the antitrust cases that have involved Microsoft on both sides of the Atlantic and offers a thorough and timely discussion on the regulation of unilateral behaviour in a topical sector.This fascinating and highly relevant book facilitates discussion on the difficult technical, legal and economic issues with respect to innovation, competition and welfare raised .
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Rubini, Luca --- "Microsoft on Trial" (Edward Elgar ~ Rubini, Luca --- "Microsoft on Trial" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010) [2010] ELECD 464 Editor(s): Rubini, Luca Title: Microsoft on Trial Sub-title: Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case Series: New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Topics: Competition Policy; Law and Economics; Competition and Antitrust Law; European Law
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The EC Microsoft Case and Duty to Deal: The Transatlantic ~ Microsoft on Trial Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case. New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Edited by Luca Rubini. This fascinating and highly relevant book facilitates discussion on the difficult technical, legal and economic issues with respect to innovation, competition and welfare raised, through the span of more than a decade, by the US and EC .
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