Buch lesen How to Analyze People: 2 Books in 1 - Guide to Reading Anyone with Psychology Techniques, Including Dark Psychology and Manipulation
Beschreibung How to Analyze People: 2 Books in 1 - Guide to Reading Anyone with Psychology Techniques, Including Dark Psychology and Manipulation
This book is very important if you want to take the lead in improving your relationship, making a perfect first impression on any person that you meet and also be the lead in every social event. Human beings are different in various aspects, but not so different that you cannot figure out what makes every person unique in their own ways and make them perfect. Science has defined human personality types to a fine point, that identifying the clear categories that you fall into and furthermore explains what motivates and drives each one of us as a unique personality. When you use this as your basis, you will be able to easily analyze and read each person like an open book. I assure you anyone who crosses your path you will have an easy way to analyze them, and you will have an advantage in every social encounter. This book also goes into manipulation. In the words of Sun Tzu, "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy". Your manipulator will always have a hard time getting control of you if you can spot them out quickly. This book will enhance your keen mind with the ability to not only spot these kinds of behaviors, but also see who are most susceptible to enact on them and how to do them yourself.This paperback includes the following 2 manuscripts:How to Analyze People: The Ultimate Guide to Understand Body Language, Influence Human Behavior, Read Anyone with Proven Psychology TechniquesDark Psychology: How to Protect Yourself from Manipulation Techniques and Dark Psychology, Recognize and Control Emotional ManipulationKey Concepts Discussed in This Book:How to interpret body language cues to your advantageHow to interpret verbal communicationLearn about the sixteen personality types, their main elements that make you same and at the same time different in personalityHow to build understanding and destroy the perceptionHow you can easily spot deceptive habits and lies.Types of manipulation and safeguards against themSuccess and manipulationSales and manipulationWhy people use manipulation?
Lesen Sie das Buch How to Analyze People: 2 Books in 1 - Guide to Reading Anyone with Psychology Techniques, Including Dark Psychology and Manipulation
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