Ebook International Investment Law: Texts, Cases and Materials
Beschreibung International Investment Law: Texts, Cases and Materials
This up-to-date and revised third edition offers a clear and comprehensive overview of the main principles, institutions and procedures related to foreign direct investment and the resolution of disputes. Suitable for both upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate courses on international investment protection, the book is firmly grounded within the wider public international law context. Key Features of the third edition: • Incorporates extracts from and analysis of key recent decisions, including David Aven et al v. Costa Rica, Greentech Energy Systems et al v. Italy and Venezuela v. OI European Group• Coverage is brought up to date with new discussion of revised investment treaty texts and new court system proposals • Balanced and neutral engagement with both normative standards and critiques of the system encourages students to draw their own conclusions• Provides concise descriptions of the legal principles followed by extracts from both classic and contemporary cases to enhance understanding of core concepts• Contains detailed discussion notes and all new ‘Questions to an Expert’ to enable further classroom discussion and facilitate critical reflection on complex topics.The concise nature of the book and accessible writing style make this an ideal text for non-specialists and for single semester courses on international investment protection.
International Investment Law: Texts, Cases and Materials ebooks
International Investment Law: Text, Cases and Materials ~ This fully revised and updated edition of International Investment Law: Text, Cases and Materials remains a complete and concise guide to the law of international investment protection and continues to approach the subject in an intuitive and balanced manner.. New to this edition: - updates to include numerous new cases - completely reworked sections on standards of treatment
International Investment Law: Text, Cases and Materials ~ International Investment Law presents an original approach to the subject of investment protection and dispute resolution. The author offers breadth and depth simultaneously, covering the full sweep of investment treaty arbitration (procedural, jurisdictional, substantive) in all its complexity, combining clear and up-to-date explanations with case-book style excerpts from central texts .
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