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The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is seen primarily as an international human rights instrument. However, the Declaration also encompasses cultural, social and economic rights. Taken in the context of international trade and investment, the UN Declaration is a valuable tool to support economic self-determination of Indigenous peoples. This volume explores the emergence of Indigenous peoples' participation in international trade and investment, as well as how it is shaping legal instruments in environment and trade, intellectual property and traditional knowledge. One theme that is explored is agency. From amicus interventions at the World Trade Organization to developing a future precedent for a 'Trade and Indigenous Peoples Chapter', Indigenous peoples are asserting their right to patriciate in decision-making. The authors, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous experts on trade and investment legal, provide needed ideas and recommendations for governments, academia and policy thinkers to achieve economic reconciliation.
Indigenous Peoples and International Trade: Building Equitable and Inclusive International Trade and Investment Agreements ebooks
Indigenous Peoples and International Trade edited by John ~ Indigenous Peoples and International Trade Building Equitable and Inclusive International Trade and Investment Agreements. Get access. Buy the print book Check if you have access via personal or institutional login. Log in Register. Edited by John Borrows, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Risa Schwartz. Publisher: Cambridge University Press Online publication date: June 2020; Print .
WTO / The WTO and the Sustainable Development Goals ~ Trade-led inclusive economic growth enhances a country’s income-generating capacity, which is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving sustainable development. The WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative can make a big difference in supplementing domestic efforts in building trade capacity, and SDG 8 contains a specific target for countries to increase support under this initiative. SDG 9 .
GLOBAL TRENDS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ~ FDI foreign direct investment FfD3 Third International Conference on Financing for Development . In September 2015 the world’s governments signed an historic agreement to eradicate poverty, improve the living standards and well-being of all people, promote peace and more inclusive societies and reverse the trend of environmental degradation. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .
Understanding the WTO - Global trade ~ People involved must be able to ask a court to review an administrative decision or to appeal a lower court’s ruling. The TRIPS Agreement is the only international agreement that describes intellectual property rights enforcement in detail, including rules for obtaining evidence, provisional measures, injunctions, damages and other penalties .
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Policy Template ~ You need to build the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into your organization’s operations and model those values to advance your mission. This is not a solution to the problem, but rather a starting point for your organization. Here’s why it’s important to create and implement a policy and conduct these conversations at your organization. Outside of the obvious moral .
International Cooperation and Development / Building ~ We build international partnerships for sustainable global change . Find out who we are . Priorities. A stronger global actor – The EU has set priorities for its external cooperation to face global challenges, promote its values and contribute to peace and prosperity in the world. More details. Funding. The EU is the largest development cooperation donor in the world. We provide funding in .
Home - Global Landscapes Forum ~ GLF is the world’s largest knowledge-led platform connecting #people with a shared vision to create productive, profitable, equitable & resilient landscapes.
Economic growth: the impact on poverty reduction ~ indicates that the poorest workers have benefited from the increase in global trade and growth.12 Fears that greater global integration and ever more ‘footloose’ international investors would push down wages have proved to be unfounded. Indeed, evidence on foreign direct investment suggests that firms are attracted to countries with higher, not
Home / UNCTAD ~ COVID-19 cuts global maritime trade, transforms industry. The volume of international seaborne trade is set to fall by 4.1% this year amid supply-chain disruptions and global economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, according to UNCTAD's flagship Review of Maritime Transport 2020. Although the forecast is negative, the decline is much less than anticipated, and the report projects a return .
International Institute for Environment and Development ~ Promoting equitable global governance, resilience and adaptation to climate change. Urban . Addressing urban environmental issues for cities that work for people and planet. Sustainable markets. Using markets to secure positive social, environmental, and economic outcomes. Biodiversity. Exploring the links between biodiversity, conservation and local livelihoods. Food and agriculture .
SDGs .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform ~ Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls . Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and .
WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT2017 - UNCTAD ~ Reform of International Investment Agreements have been used by more than 130 countries in formulating a new generation of investment policies. This year’s World Investment Report builds on that track record and presents policy advice on how to deal with close to 3,000 old-generation investment treaties. A key challenge for policymakers in today’s global economy is digital development. The .
Treaties and International Agreements - United States ~ Treaties and other international agreements are written agreements between sovereign states (or between states and international organizations) governed by international law. The United States enters into more than 200 treaties and other international agreements each year. The subjects of treaties span the whole spectrum of international relations: peace, trade, defense, territorial boundaries .
SDGs .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform ~ Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation . Reduce inequality within and among countries. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts* Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas .
Fairtrade International ~ Fairtrade International works to share the benefits of trade more equally – through standards, certification, producer support, programmes and advocacy.
Fair Trade Certified / Fair Trade Certified ~ Fair Trade USA helps producers access better wages, safe working conditions, and environmental protections. Your donation gives the people who produce your food, furniture, and clothing the capacity to invest in a better future.
United Nations Summit on Biodiversity / General Assembly ~ Investments in biodiversity including through jobs, incentive reform, and policies that boost conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of biodiversity, and through an inclusive “One Health .
What Is Trade? ~ International trade allows countries to expand markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have been available to it. It is the reason why an American consumer can pick between a .