Buch lesen The INFJ Personality Guide: Understand yourself, reach your potential, and live a life of purpose. (English Edition)
Beschreibung The INFJ Personality Guide: Understand yourself, reach your potential, and live a life of purpose. (English Edition)
If you're an INFJ, you know what it feels like to be misunderstood. You long to be appreciated for who you are, but most people just don't get you because you have the rarest personality type on the planet. But that can all change when you understand yourself better!In this book, you'll discover...Your greatest strengthsYour weaknessesWhy the rest of the world thinks differently than youWhy you're so good at discerning people's thoughts, motivations, and feelingsHow to set better boundariesHow to cultivate healthy relationshipsWhat to do when you get down or depressedCareer adviceHow to manage your thoughtsHow to make your creative ideas, insights, and visions a realityHow to communicate more effectively with other personality typesHow to handle criticism without getting your feelings hurtThis book is divided into three sections:INFJ preferences INFJ functionsHow to develop your personality and reach your potentialAbout the AuthorBo Miller is an INFJ and a certified Myers-Briggs practitioner who's passionate about understanding the sixteen personality types - especially the INFJ. He knows what it's like to feel misunderstood and has personally experienced the life-changing benefits of understanding his personality type and "getting himself."
The INFJ Personality Guide: Understand yourself, reach your potential, and live a life of purpose. (English Edition) PDF ePub
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Introduction / Advocate (INFJ) Personality / 16Personalities ~ They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things. The Advocate (INFJ) personality type is defined as having the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. This combination makes these personalities stand out uniquely with a quiet, principled version of .
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